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Attaclunent C of <br />Item 13.a - 2/28/11 Meeting <br />Water. Or aniz afl 1 onal Management - Supervise/oversee water utility staff, organize training, water <br />, iz <br />purchases, budgetary control, planning, leading, and organizing. <br />Stormwater: Infrastructure Maintenance& - Preventative maintenance and repair of 1 5 miles storm <br />sewer mainline. Maintain, inspect and repair 3,5100 catch basins and storm water lift stations. <br />47C <br />Sto water: Street Sweeping se eping - Bi-Annual sweeping of city streets and as needed of streets to <br />rm <br />471. keep neighborhoods clean and livable and to protect our ponds, lakes, and wetlands. <br />Stormwater: Leaf Collection - Annual leaf collection priog p <br />' ram to remove leaves, clean streets to help beep, <br />4 44 leaves out of storm sewers and ponds. Maintain the compost site to minimize odors and efficiently compost <br />material, deliver compost and wood chips. <br />Organi i - Supervise /oversee storm utility staff, training, storm purchases; <br />Stormwater, zat'lonial Management I 1 1 <br />manage budget, departmental planning of storm utility to maintain services. <br />� �; mi W 6*_V I R I T-rZT, Mir, <br />A 411 Personnel Management — Personnel Management includes direct staffing costs to process and track <br />Admin. in ff <br />b i -weekly payroll for 25 FTE employees and over 3,00 part-time seasonal staff. Personnel Management is <br />4 8�4- responsible for the training and development of 25 FTE employees. Personnel Management includes <br />CJ,-_5 promoting employment opportunities, recruiting qualified candidates, processing needed personnel <br />paperwork, training to insure high level of delivery and responsibility, supervising to assure quality <br />experiences and services and policy and procedure adherence and evaluating to manage professional and <br />communi ty expectations. <br />4 <br />Admin: Financial Management — preparing, executing and monitoring, all aspects ofthe department budgets <br />including revenues and expenses whereby more than 50% is generated through non-tax dollar revenue. <br />Include: planning and coordinating outside funding, administer financial matters on a continual bases, <br />Financial Management involves intensive monitoring of 68 program budgets, I I facility budgets and 8 <br />V'4411 event budgets. Financial Management includes the costs to supervise both expense and revenue budgets, to <br />develop annual budgets and to report budget outcomes. Financial Management also includes staffing costs <br />to process, track and report daily cash receipts and credit transactions. <br />ITR5 Admin.- Planning & Development — Includes-, reporting for information and decision making, research, <br />policy development and execution, short term and long term planning, best practice/accreditation <br />maintenance, and special and routine projects and committees. Develop goals and activities, conduct <br />I i <br />program research and development, legal and legislative work, analyze and plan for program and facil ity <br />needs, prepare for capital 'improvements, etc,. Planning and Development expenses are connected to <br />department wide and community based policy relations, research and reporting and project management. <br />Often times these projects are at the request of Council, Commission or Administration or involve <br />improved department operations. <br />