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412.701, 2010 Minnesota Statutes <br />1- K�$��Ma <br />412.701 BUDGETING. <br />Attaclunent C of <br />Item 13.a - 2/28/11 Meeting <br />Page 1 of I <br />Attachment <br />The manager shall prepare the estimates for the annual budget. The budget shall be by funds and <br />shall include all the funds of the city, except the funds made up of proceeds of bond 'issues, utility funds, <br />and special assessment funds, and may 'include any of such funds at the discretion of the council. The <br />estimates of expenditures for each fund budgeted shall be arranged for each department or division of the <br />city under the follo rowing heads: (1) ordinary expenses (for operation, maintenance, and repairs); (2) <br />payment of principal and interest on bonds and other fixed charges; (3) capital outlays, (for new <br />construction, new equipment, and all improvements of a lasting character). Ordinary expenses, shall be <br />subdivided into: (a) salaries and wages, with a list of all salaried offices and positions, including the <br />salary allowance and the number of persons holding each; (b) other expenses, with sufficient detail to be <br />readily understood. All increases and decreases shall be clearly shown. In parallel columns shall be added <br />the arnounts granted and the amounts expended under similar heads for the past two completed fiscal <br />years and the current fiscal year, actual to, date and estimated for the balance of the year. In addition to <br />the estimates of expenditures, the budget shall include for each budgeted fund a statement of the revenues <br />which have accrued for the past two completed fiscal years with the amount collected and the uncollected <br />balances together with the same information, based in so far as necessary on estimates, for the current <br />fiscal year, and an estimate of the revenues for the ensuing fiscal year. The statement of revenues for <br />each year shall specify the following items: sums derived from (a) taxation, (b) fees, (c) fines, (1d) <br />interest, (e) miscellaneous,, not included in the foregoing, i(f) sales and rentals, (g) earnings, of public <br />1119 <br />utilities and other public service enterprises, (h) special assessments, and (0 sales of bonds and other <br />obligations. Such estimates shall be printed or typewritten and there shall be suificient copies for each <br />member of the council, for the manager, for the clerk, and three, at least, to be posted in public places in <br />the city. The estimates shall be submitted to the council and shall be made public. The manager may <br />submit with the estimates such explanatory statement or statements as the manager may deem necessary, <br />and during the first three years of operation under Optional Plan B the manager shall be authorized to <br />interpret the requirements of this section as requiring only such comparisons of the city"s finances with <br />those of the previous government of the city as may be feasible and pertinent. <br />History -. 1949 c 119 s 86,- 1973 c 123 art 2 s 1 isubd 2; 1.986 c 444; 1990 c 426 art I s 45 <br />'Iid=412.701 2/'9/2011 <br />