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C3 r=j% <br />I nt i w�U�EST F O R COUNCIL ACTION <br />AGENDA SECTION'. ORIGINATING DEPT./DiV.. <br />Reports and Re commend at i ions Admini strat "ion <br />VIII <br />ITEM DESCRIPTION' <br />Rose Carburetor request for variance to <br />setback at 1695 Fernwood. <br />DATE 3J14- <br />It <br />DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />k pt-I <br />MGWEVIEWED/ RECOMME�,, <br />The Planning Commission, at its July Ilth meeting, unanimously recommended approval <br />of Rosy Car buretor'' request, for 5 foot vaTiance to north side yard set back at <br />1,695 Fern woold, with the condition that the ide,ve,lopm,ent occur according to the site <br />plan dated 4/25/84, <br />Attached is the Planner's report. <br />0 <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: Motion approvin,g/ideny,ing Rose Carburetor's request for <br />S foot, variance, to north side yard setback at 1695 <br />Fern,wood, with condi"Alions, 'if d,esired. <br />