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11 July 1984 <br />15112-184 <br />Siouthwest Corner of McCarron Boulevard <br />and Rice Street <br />Variance to Parking Setback Requiremeut <br />i <br />1. The pr i <br />property n question s an existing Dairy Queen Drive-in which has <br />been located on this property, for many years., They propose to add a new <br />0 - - <br />drive up window on the south, side of the existing structure which will <br />necessitate revisions tio-the parking area. <br />They propose to construct, new curbing wh,erie new portions of the parking <br />4 <br />area are developed. They also propose to add additional landscaping on <br />the west side (I*n the existing green area) and add a trash enclosure at <br />tIe southwest corner of' the,, site. <br />14. There is a 15 foot easement along the aouth side of the property which <br />provides access to the properties to the west, Though this access is <br />apparently not. usied,, the easement remaJ"Lns, and therefore, we recommend <br />that no, curbing be, loca,tield so as to impelde this 15 foot easement. <br />5 i - di tioln of the drive-up wi P ndow can <br />It woiuld, appear that this proposed addil. <br />be accommodatied without problem. Such, facilities are common addons to <br />41 <br />'Ifast food"" shops within the, industry. <br />6. They, iarie requestlLng then, a variance to, the setback requirements for parking <br />contiguous to McCarron Boulevard and Rice Street. If granted, we suggest <br />ei <br />that conditions, be added that. <br />