Regular Meeting, of the City Council, - July 23, 1984. 7: 3 0 P., m.
<br />The City Clouncil met on the above date, with the following
<br />members present: Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Member,±,,-
<br />absent: i1ohnson,
<br />A-! Kehri moved, and Curley seconded that the minutes of the Minutes
<br />Regular Meeting of July, 9, 19�,84 be-approved. Roll call,
<br />Ayes-. Franke, Keh,rl, Cu,ril,ey, and Demos,,, N'ays.- nonel
<br />B-1, Curley moved and Kehr seconded approvial of William Jones' William Jones
<br />relquest, for rezoning from R-1 to R,-i2 and special use permit
<br />for.P,U',D,, at, 25511, Lexington,., with the following conditions.
<br />1) The Planniedi Unit Development sih,all, be constructed in
<br />accordance with plans diated, 5/20,/84 except that the
<br />buildings are to be, moved 1,0 feet to the south and a
<br />private drive 'is to' be constructed S feet from the north
<br />property line ,
<br />2) Dedication of' cul-die-sac as indicated on, plans by dee
<br />prior to :issuancle of' permits.
<br />0
<br />3) Applicant agrees to construct a private driveway at his
<br />own expense on, the owner's property,,
<br />4) Englineeri"'ng detail for utilities, and grading shall be
<br />subject to " engineering staff approval. The water supply
<br />shall be provided by a, public, water line extension to
<br />Dunlap Strelet. The appli,cant, must petition for the water
<br />i i
<br />service improvement,,
<br />5) Final, landscape plans shall be subject to staff review with
<br />installatiioln to be complete prifor to the occupancy permit,,
<br />1
<br />6) The private drive shall be constructed to the City standards.
<br />7) Exterior building matierials shal,l be subiject to City staff
<br />review.
<br />Roll call, Ayes: ran i+ Kehr, Curley, and Demos. Nays: none.
<br />B-i2 Curley, moved and Keihr seconded denial of' Goff Cons truction Is Goff Constructi(
<br />1 T
<br />request for special use permit for P.U.D.,, pir,elimina y plat,
<br />A I L on of right-of-way at 1230 Rosie Place, Roll calls,,
<br />Ayes;-, Franke,i Kehr,, Curley and, Diemosi.1 Nay,s: none,
<br />B-3 Kiehr moved and Curley seconded approval of an amendment to the Day Care
<br />zoning code allowing day care as a, speicial, use in all Business
<br />Distrl-Licts and in, the Shoppling Center District. Roll call, Ayes:
<br />Franke, KehrA Curley and Demos, Niay,s,: none,,
<br />