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PLANNING REPORT <br />FiCTION RElQUEST'EDis <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONSom <br />I.August 1984 <br />rr <br />Al.-M411111111 � I <br />Northeast Quadrant of Haml ine Avenue <br />and Skillman Avenue <br />FK-1ppriolval of Planned Unit Development <br />Variance to Side Yard Setback <br />0 <br />2111 The Church has a long history in Roseville. The school was built 'in 1949 <br />and, added to in 1,9514. They currently operate grades K-8 with <br />* <br />ppro xima tely 400 students. The Ch,ur,ich was last expanded 15 years ago. <br />a, <br />They have 322 parking spaces on s i t, e,. The, facility serves approximately <br />1P t <br />2,,2001 families in their siervi,ces area., <br />3* Because there are a number, of pr incipal structures on the site, the <br />Al <br />P lanned revisions should 'be processed as a Planned Un:"Lt Development for <br />which a special use plermit is requiredo, <br />M <br />As oif th3L,9 poilnt, no detailed, plans have 'been prepared indicating a method <br />of handling this transition from the least s ide of the garage to the <br />contigulouisil residence.., The, Planning, commission and Council may wish to <br />"der adding a condition to any app a <br />roval tht a landscape plan ■ <br />c,ons 1. <br />prepared subject to statt approval, tol adequately handle this transition, <br />5. The engineering staff' notes that the driveway for this new garage is <br />0 <br />proposed, to be 25 feet in width. The ord:Lnance limits driveways to <br />riesi,dential propert3".es; to 2i2 feet in width,. <br />