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Roseville is currently authorized 24 on sale Ii-quor Licenses 'including th4 <br />,6i ap,prio�ved during the last legislative sesSlion, 17 licenses have been <br />approved, by the City and the T.G.I. Friday's Restaurant application will <br />be, considered. at the September 10th meeting,, The remaining 6 licenses <br />have been designated for use 'in the tax incriem,ent financing districts. <br />Two of those 61 licenses are limited to use by hotels. <br />The twio shopping centers located in the tax 'increment areas north of Rosedale <br />w ill probably each have two restaurants desiring -liquor 1 icenses, thereby using <br />i <br />four of the six designated for the tax, increment area, If the Council <br />decides to amend the ordinance it may be most, appropriate to eliminate one <br />of' the Licenses designated for a hotel. <br />An additional, consideration is that T.,G.I,. Priday's is -reviewing their <br />appli,catioh for a restaurant on the Fine property and may decide to with- <br />d . w'. 'If that occurs there would be a liliquor license available and no <br />amendment to the ordinance would be neicessary at this time. <br />I <br />