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COUNCIL MINUTES <br />July 2,3.,, 1984 <br />R-14 No action was', taken, on the Commissioners" award regarding the PIK Terminal <br />R"16 Curley moved and Kehr seconded the adoption of a resolution Resolution <br />for consolidated Projects P-82-21 (Farrington and Iona Lane),, 7627 <br />1M -82-22'(Farrington Strielet), and P-82-32 (Matilda and Iona <br />Lane) receiving the assessment riolls, and, call1ing for a hearing <br />loin August 13, 1984.9i for the Proposed assessments, Roll call, <br />Aye Franke, Kehr Curley and Demos. Nays: none. <br />Curley moved and Kehr seconded the adoption of a resolution Resolution <br />& M <br />for pro'ect P-8,2-23, (County Road, C-21,), rei,ceivinz the assessment <br />3 4-0 7628 <br />rol,l and calling, for a hearing on August 13, 1984 for the <br />proposed, asisessments. Roll call,, Ayes.- Franke, Kehr., CuTley <br />and Demos .1 Nilays - none, <br />Curley moved and Kiehri secionded, the adoption of a resolution Resolution <br />for consioll"idated projects P-82-25 (Transit Ave.). P-82-27 7629 <br />(Oxford Street), P-8211-29 (Chatsworth Street) and P-82-30 <br />(Traftsit Avenue) receng the assessment t'olls and calling <br />for a, hearing on August 13,, 19,84 for the proposed assessments, <br />Roll call,, Ayes,m. Franke,, Kehr,, Curley and Demos, Nays: nonee <br />E-17 Franke moved and Kehr seconded the establishment of a work session Counci 1 <br />at 7:00 pl,,m,., July 30th,, 1984 at the Roseville City Hall for Work Sessiorl <br />purposes of discussing preliminary budget 'Information for 1985, <br />Roll �Call, Ayes: Franke, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nysm none <br />P a0 V <br />E-18 Kehr moved and Curley slecondied the acceptance of the Quit cla* <br />1m Presbyterian <br />doled and, easements from Presbyterian homes and instructing the Homes <br />City Attorney, to file the documents with Ramsey County, <br />