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<br />Re 1 1
<br />,gu,lar Meeting of' the City Council - August 13., 1984 7,*30 p.m.
<br />The City Counci I met on the above date with the following
<br />members present: ehr, Johnson, Curley, and Demos. Members
<br />absent: FrankeW
<br />i
<br />A-, 1 Curley moved, Johnson seconded that the minutes of the Regular MINUTES
<br />Meeting of July 2131, 19814 be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />41
<br />Curley., and Demos, Nays: None, Abstained. Johnson, because
<br />he was absent,
<br />Kehr moved, Johnson seconded that the Council join with the PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayer in proclaiming August 20 - 2I16 as Salute to Rosedale
<br />Center Wee in thie Clli,ty, of Roseville, - Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Kehr, Johnson,, Curley, and Demos,. Nays: None
<br />Bi- 1 Johnson, moved, Keh,ri seconded that Resolution 7632, approving RESOLUTION 7632
<br />-I of Project, S'T-84-08 and, authorizing the
<br />staff to prepare the neicessia:ry, pilans and specif icat ions be
<br />,adiopted. Roll Call,., Ayes-0 Keh,r, Johnson, Curley,, and
<br />V
<br />Demos,. Nays'. None,,,
<br />i
<br />B-i2 Curil,e moved,, K,ehr seconded that Resolution 7'633 adopting RESOLUTION 763
<br />Y
<br />the asseiss,m,en,t roll for combined 'improvements P-82-2111
<br />P-812-212 and P-82-32 be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes.: KehT,
<br />I
<br />Johnsion, Curilley, and Demos., Nays.- None,
<br />Curley moved,, Kehr seconded that Resolution 7'636 adopting RESOLUTION 763
<br />the aissessimeinti roll for *improvement ST-P-82-28 be adopted,
<br />Roll Call, V P
<br />None G . Ay,esi, Kehr., Johnson, Curilley', and, Demos. Nays. I
<br />Curley maved, Kehr seconded that Resolution 7637 adopting RESOLUTION 7637
<br />the assessment roll for improvement S,S--8.3-04 be adopted.
<br />Roll Call,,, Ayes: Keh,r, Johnson, Curley,, and Demos, Nays:
<br />None,
<br />