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PCs—VOSS.txt <br />From : <br />Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 11:55 AM <br />TO: Carol yn Curti ; M�argare�t Cirri scol 1 <br />Subject: online Form Submittal: Com�m�ission Application—PCS—Voss <br />The following form was subm�itted via your websito: Commission Application <br />Please check com�m�ission applying for: Police civil Service Commission <br />If tithe r, please list name : <br />This application is for:: New Term <br />If this is a student application, please list your grade : <br />Name :: David Voss <br />Address:: P.O. BOX 15613 <br />City, State, Zip: Minneapolis, MIN 55415 <br />Phone Number:: 612-67'3-2309 <br />Em�ail address:: david.voss@,ci.m�inneapolis.m� <br />HOW many years have you lived in Roseville?: 8 <br />work Experience (especially as it relates to the Commission/Board for which <br />you are applying): 25 ye�ar ve�te ran of police work. <br />Currently am a Detective Sergeant for the Minneapolis Police De�pt. in the�ir <br />Assault unit. <br />Education:: B/S froM Bradley University, Peoria, IL <br />civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present ):: Volunteer for num�e�rous <br />police / civilian functions <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Com�m�ission/Board:: I <br />think its im�portant to serve your com�m�unity. The PCSC board would be an <br />excellent fit to help Roseville with m�y knowledge of Police work. <br />what is your view of the role of this Commission/ Board?: I had been <br />previously unaware of the Commisi on' s work. I have reviewed numerous m�inutes, <br />etc from recent years m�eetings to acquaint m�yse�lf. I have also spoken with <br />Chief m�athwig about the position. <br />Any further inform�ation you would like the city council to consider or that <br />you feel is relevant to the appointm�e�nt or re�appointm�e�nt you are se�e�king.: <br />This will be a good opportunity for me to help serve the City of Roseville. I <br />have lived in Roseville after m�oving in with m�y wife (also a m�pls Officer) 10 <br />yrs ago. (I use the P.O. BOX for business matters but will furnish board with <br />residential address later if needed) . <br />I understand that inform�ation provideed in this application ray be distributed <br />by the city to the public including, but not lim�iteed to, being posted on the <br />City of Roseville we�bsite . I agree to waive any and all claims under the <br />Minnesota Gove rnm�e�nt Data Practices Act, or any oche r applicable state and <br />federal law, that in any way related to the dissem�ination to the public of <br />inform�ation contained in this application that would be classified as private <br />under such laws. I understand that I ray contact the responsible authority for <br />the City of Roseville if I have any que�stions re�garding the public or private <br />nature of the inform�ation provided.: Yes <br />