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CITY O�F'ROSE,VI'LLE <br />ORDINANCE, NOO <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 87,04i5 OF THE CITY CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE PERTAINING TO PARKING IN BOULEVARDS, <br />The, City Council of the City of Roseville does hereby ordain: <br />I* <br />Section 871,045 of the, City Colde ofthe City of Roseville 'i's amended to read <br />87.045. Parkipgon Boulevard Prohibited. No vehicle shall be <br />parked on any bolulevardadjacent to a public street, except: <br />(a) Roadway improvements involving dis. <br />turblaincile of or, removal • the boulevar',i: <br />parking area 'is, undertaken* <br />or <br />P P <br />Siu,bstantial improvements to the lot lo. <br />ciated adjacent, to the boulevard' parking <br />area is undertakien, such as expansion or <br />construction of' house,1 g,airage or drive- <br />way,,, <br />4 <br />1(2) Where a variance from t'h�el, provi i sions <br />of th is section is <br />granted pursuant to the m* or 0, <br />in variance procedure of <br />I <br />Is 16, Section 12,,055 of the City C'olde, based upon criteria <br />established by the City, Manager. <br />if <br />This Ordinance s�haill be 'in full, force and effect from and after its passagc <br />and plubli cation <br />. <br />PASSED by the City Council of the 'City, of Roseville this day of <br />1984. <br />U <br />Mayor <br />Manager <br />