P 0
<br />Pr" gular Meleti'ing of the City Council - August 1984 71*9 30 P . m.
<br />The City Council met t above date wi'th the following member�±
<br />present: Kehr, Johnson,,, C'urleiy, Franke, and Demos. Members
<br />absent: Noneli
<br />A- I Curley moved, Johnson, seconded that the mignutes of the Regular MINUTES
<br />I
<br />Meeting, of August 13', 1984 be approved.i Roll Call Ayes: Kehr.,
<br />I
<br />johnsion, Curley,, and Demos. N'ays.- None.: Abstaine&vd.* Franke,
<br />bilecau,se she was abs,ien,t,,
<br />B-1 Cu,ril,ey, moved, Franke seconded that the 1985 Annual Budget and the 1985 BUDGET
<br />119,85-11989 Capital Improvement Program 'be continued to the
<br />September 10., 1984 Regular Council Meeting, Roll Call., Ayes,
<br />Kehri,, johnson, Curley,, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None*
<br />C-i 1 Johnsion moved,, Kehr seconded that a Council Work Session be WORK SESSION
<br />estiablished at, 7:100 pim., Wednesday,i, September S., 1984 to review
<br />the plerfo,rmance of the City Manager.1 Roll,l Call, Ayes: Kehr,
<br />,Johnson, Curley, Franke.,, and Demos, Nays: None,
<br />A
<br />E�-2 Kehri moved, Franke seconded that Tim Kniopp's request for minor TIM KN01PP
<br />variance at 1,953 MI"Ldian,d Hills Road t�o all,ow, the construction of
<br />an entrance way at the, front of the existing house extending to
<br />withing 34 f'eiet of the froin,t yard property line be approved,
<br />Roill Call,
<br />None 11, , Ayes: Kehr, Johnson, Curley,., Franke, and Demos. Nays.
<br />E-3 Johnson moved, Kehr seconded that Donald Liebenstein's request for DONALD LIEBENSTE
<br />V
<br />minor, variance at 76,4 Sextant to allow the construction of a driveway
<br />0a extending to within 3 feiet, of the west side, property line be approved,
<br />i
<br />ni
<br />Rolil Call, Ayesio Kehr., Johnson, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays-,
<br />None,,
<br />0
<br />s
<br />E-i4, Curley I I I conded that James Klei'ins request for minor JAMES KLEIN
<br />variance at 2965i Pla,sical to bring the existing, driveway 'into
<br />conformance 'with, Ci,it,yCode be approved with the condition that the
<br />City, Code Enforcement Officer check the elevations of the drive
<br />It ` "it 'is pouried,. Roll, Call, Ayes,. Kehryi Johnson, Curley,
<br />Franke, and Deimos. Nays., Non,e
<br />E-S C'urleiy movied, Franke seconded that Ed Flaherity's, request for 2 E D F1 LAHEI RTY
<br />foot variance to rear yard, setb4c�R and 19 and, 24 foot variances
<br />to driveway setbacks a Lexington be approved with the
<br />followin 101
<br />g conditions:
<br />