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City, Council <br />City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />A,ugu,st 27',, 1984 <br />Page 2 <br />Fees for our services are based on our regular per divem rates, Plus out—of—pockeld <br />expenses, all of whh will bile billed as our work progresses. Our fee for this <br />engagemenit, will not exceed $1114,050. Should any situation arise that would <br />increa,sei, thits, estimate, we will, of courise advise you. <br />Whenever plossible, we will attempt to uise your personnel. This effort could <br />reduce our tiomile requirements and help you ho'l down audit fees. <br />During the couirs,e ol At: olur engagement,, we may olbsierv'e opportunities for economy <br />in or improved, controlls over your operations. We will bring such matters to <br />the attention olf the appropriate level of miainagement., 'either orally or 'in writing. <br />Please indicate, yolur agreement to these arran,g,em,ents by s& <br />copy of thi's lietter and returning it- to us. I igning the attached <br />We appreciate your confidence in retaigning us as your certified publi <br />accoluntants, and looik forward to working with, you, and your staff,,, I <br />Very truly yours, <br />GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANYI PaA'C <br />Approved by: <br />City of Roseville, Minnesota Date <br />M <br />