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REQUEST FOR" COUNCIL, ACTION <br />AGENDA, SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.:, <br />REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC WO�RKS <br />ITEM DESICRI�PTI�ON�.i <br />RESOLUTION FOR APPORTI10NMENT OF ASSESSMENTS <br />MEETING <br />DATE: <br />Sept. 101,#184 <br />DEPT- HEAD APPR107VA <br />WIMP <br />M(r,► 1EWED/ RECOMMENDS". <br />1 0 <br />The Ramsey County, Department of Property, Taxation has requested the City <br />to apportion the, assessments for the division of' the following parcels of <br />land. and improvemehts levied: <br />Divis ion Nol <br />& 5 8 7'3 7 Haml <br />and Wooldhill Drive <br />Priopert,y D:Ivisionat Brenner <br />Court and O�ld Highway 8 <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt, a resolu�tion, for apporti"onment of assessments <br />on the requested division of Properties by Ramsey County. <br />