Counc3".1, Minutes
<br />September 10, 1984
<br />Page 2
<br />E-i2 Curley moved,, Kehri seconded that Riogeir W'a,chteirl s request for ROGER WACHTEW
<br />le
<br />-i 1 3.
<br />minor, variance to al,low the construct'lon of an add*t*on to the
<br />existing house extending to, with-in 31 feet of the front yard
<br />pria erty line at 2541 Pascal be approved. Roll Call Ayes's
<br />P
<br />Johnson, Curley, Franke, Keh:r,, and Demos,, Nays: Noned
<br />I
<br />E-3 Kehr milloved, Johnson secion,deid that Brad Borsheim's, request for BRAD BORSHEIM
<br />minor variance to al,l,ow the, construction of an attached garage
<br />f
<br />extendling to within, 30 feiet of the ront, yard property line at
<br />24981 Albert be approvied. Roll, Call,, Ayes: Johnson, Curley,
<br />Franke, Kehr, and Demos,, Nays: None,,
<br />6-i4 Johnson movied, Curley seiconded, that a public, hearing be ADVANCE CIRCUITS
<br />established for 7:30 p.M., Octobar 8, 19814 on Advance Circuits,
<br />Inc., application for, industrial revenue blonds. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Johnson, Curley, Franke, Kiehr, and,D os. Nays: None,
<br />9-5 Johnson, moveld, Curley, seconded that Resolution 7644,, approving RESOLUTION 7644
<br />the annual 'budget for, the fliscal year beginning January 1, 1985
<br />6
<br />and ending December 31J. 19l85i be a.,dopitied., Roll Call, Ayes.
<br />John,s,ion, Curley, Franke, Kehr, and Demos. Nays. None.
<br />Johnson moved,
<br />the to levy to
<br />for, the purpose
<br />Roll Call, Ayes
<br />Nays None,#
<br />Zurley seconded that Resol,ut ion 7645, certifying RESOLUTION 7645
<br />the County, Auditor for col le�cticon during 1985
<br />of' operating *the City, of Roseville be adopted.
<br />Johnson,, Curley, Franke, KehT, and Demos,
<br />Johnson. moved.,, Curley, seconded, that Resolution 7646, instructing RESOLUTION' 764-1
<br />the County Auditor to reduce the establishedtax levy for Golf
<br />Course blonds and, General Improvement blonds be adopted. Roll
<br />41
<br />Call,,, Ayes: Johnson,, Curley, Frank,ie., K,e,hr., and Demos, Nays.
<br />None%
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Curley, Franke,, Ke hr, and Demos.
<br />Nays : None .1
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson,, Curley,,,, Franke, Kehr, and Demos.
<br />Nays : Non e .
<br />