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DATE,, 10/8/84 <br />REQU�EST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />AGENDA SECTION' ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Reports & commendation Administration <br />MI NO. ITEM� DESCRIPTION' 1,98,4 Poilice Officer Contract, insurance <br />er-10 reopener <br />DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL, <br />0 <br />The 19,84 Police Officer Contract calls for, a reopener concerning the City's <br />contribution for insurance,, Because the City and, the union were not able to <br />agree clontribut1l'on level, the 'issue went to arbitration, <br />The Clity's, poson, is that the Policle Officers should receive a cont bu ion <br />ri to <br />o <br />consistent with that of other non-management employees. The average contribution <br />lievel there "is, $147,,00 pier month, <br />The arbitrator chose to compare the policei with al,l, other unionized employees <br />This includes the poilice supervisors.., who receivei $1160.00 per month. <br />Th e arb i trator's award, sets the City's contribution for health, life and LT11 <br />ft <br />insurance at $160.00 per, month. It also increases the amount an officer may <br />use for dental insurance from $10.00 to $11.13 per month to reflect the <br />6 <br />increased cost of single dental coverage, <br />Attached is a copy of' the memorandum of understanding setting out the 1984 <br />clont ri'but iion, level. <br />a <br />COUNCIL, ACTION REQUESTED: Motion authorizing the City Manager to execute <br />