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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION D AT E.' 10/8/84 <br />.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . - <br />AGENDA SECTIOW, ORIGINATING DEPT, /DID''. <br />Replorts, Administration <br />M NO ITEM DESCRIPTION" <br />"011 Planning Commission Referrals <br />DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />The following applicatimLons may be referred to the November 7, 1984 Planning <br />of <br />Commioss ion, m,eeit3'wn,g, <br />William Muska, request for var' <br />iance to parking setback at 1985 (a crest <br />'The applicant proposed to construct - an accessory . building on the site, <br />The existing parking area is asphalt,eid up to the property lines. The <br />site must be brought into conformance with City, Code to enable the <br />construction of the building. <br />21) Marie Kreitz request fordivision 4i of' lot at 991 Parker. The applicant <br />proposes, to divide the existing singlei family lot to create two lotsv <br />3) Walter Kohler request, for variance to parking setbacks and curbing <br />A <br />requirements at, 3070 Lexington. The applicant proposes to add a drive-U7, <br />window to the existing Dairy Queen restaurant. The parking area must be <br />'brought into conformance with City Code to, allow the drieve-up, window <br />addition, <br />0 <br />4) American Reidievel,opeirs, Inc. request for, variance to parking requirements <br />at, 1665 County Road B-2. The applicant, pro�plo�ses to reduce the scale of <br />the shopping center development previously approved by the Council. The <br />changes,include, the deletion of the parking, ramp, from the proposal, which <br />leaves the site unable, -to accomoda,te the number of parking spaces required <br />by City Code& <br />COUNCIL ACTION' REQUESTED: Motion referring the above applications to <br />the Novembler 7 1 & a <br />, 19184 Planning Commission Meeting, <br />