Regular Meeting of the City, Council - October, 8, 1984. 79*30 paml
<br />The City Ciounc,i,l met on the above date with the following members
<br />present u,rle!y., Johnson,,, Kehr, Franke, and De,mos,, Members absent:
<br />None .
<br />A-1 Franke moved,, Johnson seciond,ed, that , the minutes of the September MINUFES
<br />24, 1984 meleting, be approved, Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke,
<br />and Demos, N'ays: None. Abstained,,-, urley and Kehr, because they
<br />were absent.
<br />Franke moved, Johnson seconded, that the November 12 meeting be
<br />0
<br />cancelled because it holiday, and establishing Tegular
<br />meetings for November 13 and November 26. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />�Cu,rley, Johnson, Kehr,,, Franke,,, and, Demo,s', Nays: None.
<br />U
<br />B-1 Keihr movied, Franke, seconded that Metropolitan Recovery Corporation's fETROPOLITAN
<br />relquesit for amendment to the zoning code be continued to the RECOVERY
<br />I
<br />October 221., 1,9i814 regular Council Meeting. Roll, Call, Ayes: Curley, CORPORATION
<br />a
<br />Johnson,,, Kiehrp Franke, and Demos, Nays,. None,
<br />I
<br />1-2 Curley, moved, Kehr seconded, that, Bela,ir Builder's request for-
<br />amendment to, the comprehensive plan from, limited business and
<br />r "dent'al to, general, busi-.ness at 1912 Lex*'njzton be approved.
<br />esi I
<br />Roll Call,, Ayies. Curley, and, Kehri, Nay's.i Johnson, Franke and
<br />Diem,os. (Mot, ilon Fa i led)
<br />Bi-,3 Curley moved, Kehr secoind,e,d that, Nazareth Building Association's NAZARETH
<br />request for rezoning from R-11 to B-2 at ,2561 Snel,ling be approved, BUILDING
<br />Roll C�all, Ayes.* Curley, Johnson, Kehri, ',Franke, and Demos. Nays: ASSOCIATION
<br />None %
<br />Curley moved,, Lehr, seconded, that Ordinance, No.1 963, rezoning the ORDINANCE 963
<br />property, at 2,,511611 Snelling Avenue from R-1 o B-2 be adopted. Roll
<br />Call,, Ayes.- Curley, Johnson,, Klehr, Franke, 1 and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />B-4 Johnson moved 3.
<br />Curley seconded, that, Twon ity Federal's request for TWIN CITY
<br />speclal use permit and variances to bring the existing parking FEDERAL
<br />setbacks,- i on-formance with City Code, at 21,67 Lexington be
<br />Intel c
<br />approved, 'with the condition that the proi 0 ec�t be developed in
<br />accordance, with plans dated, 9/5/84. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley,
<br />Johnson, ehr, Franke, and Dlemols, Nays., None.,
<br />B-15 Curley m�olvied., Kehr seconid,e,d, that C.R,. Hakworthy's -request for C.R. HAKWOR,THY
<br />at
<br />rezonin� from R-1 to R,-,2,.,, preliminary pl
<br />g and 3.5 foot variances
<br />to sideyard setbacks at 171, Center Street be denied. Roll Call,
<br />1,6 1
<br />Ayes,* Curley, johnson, Kehr., Franke., and Demos, Nays: None.
<br />