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k" <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Ill <br />Department Approval <br />Item Description: Twin Lakes Regulating Map and Plan Discussion. <br />Date: 04/11/2011 <br />Item No.: 13 . a <br />City Manager Approval <br />2 1.1 A component of the new Zoning Ordinance for the Community Mixed Use District that covers <br />3 the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area is a Regulating Map and Plan. A Regulating Map and <br />4, Plan is the technical document for the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area and would regulate the <br />5 following: <br />6 a. Parking Locations: Locations where surface parking may be located would be specified <br />"7 by block or block face. Structured parking is treated as a building type. <br />b. Building and Frontage Types: Building and frontage types would be designated by block <br />9 or block face. Some blocks should be coded for several potential building types; others <br />110 for one building type on one or more block faces. Permitted and conditional uses may <br />11 occur within each building type as specified in Table 1005-1 of the Roseville Zoning <br />12 Ordinance. <br />13 C. Building Lines: Building lines would indicate the placement of buildings in relation to <br />14, the street. <br />15 d. Street Types: The regulating map may include specific street design standards to <br />116 illustrate typical configurations for streets within the district, or it may use existing City <br />1 7 street standards. <br />11 111"":1'11 1. 2 On March 21 and 3 01 2011, Michael Lamb and Andrew Dresdner met with City Staff to discuss <br />119 and review Twin Lakes and to determine what sorts of items should be considered as potential <br />20 Ma /Plan requirements. <br />21 1.3 Michael Lamb will provide the City Council a Powerpoint presentation on April 11, 2001 <br />22 reviewing the nuances of a Regulating Map and Plan and give his initial thoughts on some of <br />23 the key features of the Twin Lakes Regulating Map and Plan. <br />24, 2.0 REQUESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />25 No specific action is needed, however the consultant and the planning staff are interested in <br />26 hearing Council feedback and direction about the Twin Lakes Regulating Map and Plan and <br />27 process. <br />28 Prepared by: 'Thomas, Paschke, City Planner. <br />Page I of I <br />