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A�t�tachmen't A <br />k" <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 03/28/11 <br />Item No.: 13.1b <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Discussion on the 2012 Budget & Tax Levy <br />11 BACKGROUND <br />2 At the February 28, 2011 City Council meeting, the Council directed Staff to prepare a budget scenario that <br />3 depicts the impact on programs and services resulting from a tax levy reduction of 10%. A scenario <br />4, involving a 10% reduction in the budget was also discussed. The Council further directed that budget <br />5 reduction scenario reflect the Council priorities identified during the 2011 Budget process. <br />6 <br />"7 In accordance with these directives, Staff has developed a scenario that achieves approximately $, 1.4 <br />8 million in budget cuts — an amount comparable to a 10% reduction in the property tax levy. An additional <br />9 $,500,000 in reductions would be necessary to achieve a 10% reduction in the property tax-supported <br />110 budget. <br />11 <br />12 In performing this exercise, Staff determined that many of the lower-ranked programs could not be fully <br />13 eliminated or reduced due to contractual obligations or other important considerations. As a result, it was <br />14, necessary to identify budget reductions within those programs that contained greater amounts of <br />15 discretionary spending. This included programs that received relatively high rankings. <br />116 <br />1 7 Based on the Council's directive and these considerations, the following program changes have been <br />11 111J ',':1'11 identified in the table below. <br />119 <br />Page I of 3 <br />