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MI <br />A special use in the new district could be as previously described for <br />the 1-2 Districte <br />USES BY SPECIAL PIT': <br />51. Under the definon of use in the paragraph above it would be appropriate <br />to 13'*.st he el,emeiin,ts to be analyzieiid as a basis for delineating conditions <br />a <br />which may be designated by the Council as is their right when issuing a <br />speclal use permit (someitimes refierred to as a conditional use permit in <br />0 <br />other, commun]"Lty orldi".nances). The following paragraph 'is suggested.0 <br />Appropriate control measures shall be made as determined by the <br />Council to Mitigate the effects of operations conducted on the site to <br />includes ncludes but not be limited to the following functions: <br />i 40 0 40 <br />.,Slecuri.ty of pireiimi,ses and building <br />-Acciessi and egriess to site <br />-Rooting of vehicular traffic on public streeti <br />-Sleicurity, methods for delivery and pickup <br />-Air emissions control <br />-Was,te water treatment, and. discharge <br />-Storm, drainage and spillage cont�rol facilitiev, <br />-Public. water uise,, <br />a - <br />�Soll contamination, <br />�Hiours of operation, <br />a <br />s e imp ac t <br />-LI"Ability and control of unauthorized deliver, <br />-Impact on contiguous properties <br />