<br />Regular mieeting, of the City Council - November, 26, 11 984 # 7:30 p.m*
<br />The Gity Coune,30.1, miet on, the above date with the follolling
<br />members present,.- Johnson, Kehir, Franke, Curley and Demos,
<br />Members Absente None,
<br />Ai.11 Curley moved,'Kehr seconded that the minutes of the meeting MINUTES
<br />of November 1984 be approved. Roll Call, Ayespb Johnson,
<br />Kehri, Franke, Curley and Demos,, Nays: None,
<br />Kehr moved,, Johnson seconded that the Clou,nc�il join with the PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayor, in proclaiming December 5, 1984 as, International Hu
<br />Rights, Day gin Roseville,, 'Holl, Call, Ayes: Johnson, Kehr,
<br />Franke Curley and Demos.1 Nays 16 None,
<br />B-1 Curley moved,, Kehir sleconded that Health Resources Assistance HEALTH
<br />Corporation's request, for flinal. p,lat at 283111 Sinelil,ing be RESOURCES
<br />approlvedil Roll Calip Ayes: Johnson, Kehrp Franke, Curley ASSISTANCE
<br />and Demolsi. N'ay,s: None,,, CORPORATIOI
<br />Curley m,ovied, Kehr secandied, that Resolution 76618, declaring RESOLUTION 7668
<br />® adequacy o petition for Project SS-184-36, and ordering
<br />the p,riepara,t i loin of the feasibility study be adopted,,, Roll
<br />al
<br />Call,, Aiyes's, Johnson, K'eh,ri., Franke, Curley
<br />e and, Demos, Nays#0
<br />Non ,
<br />Don, Za lk
<br />Terry, Henry
<br />Timothy Daulton
<br />Jim, Klassen
<br />Betity, Wolf iang,le
<br />C0114MISSION
<br />James Hannegan
<br />Rioll CalillAyes: Johnson, Keh,r, Franke, Curley and Demos,
<br />Nay,s: None V
<br />