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into account the leverage of 70 percent or higher mortgage and the forced savings of <br />paying down an amortizing mortgage. <br />Nevertheless, with only gradual appreciation to look forward to, and the high transac- <br />tion costs of purchasing and selling a home taken into cons ideration, home buying as a <br />way to build wealth makes sense only for those who plan to stay in place for ten years <br />or more. Few in generation vwiV be able to do this for many years; instead of necessity, <br />they will be moving from place to place as they build the foundations of their careers. <br />Modest price increases in the years ahead would seem to be good news for people look- <br />ing to buy their first home. The problem is the location of those homes that have lost <br />the most value: it is those on the outer suburban edges and in certain hard-hit inner- <br />city neighborhoods that have become the most affordable. First-time homebuyersvviLL <br />find themselves once again forced to 'drive until they quaLify,' leaving behind the com- <br />munities in which they work in order to obtain mortgage. <br />The Future of Rental Housing <br />The rental vacancy note in the United States was 8 percent at the end of 2009, the high- <br />est level since 1980. At the same time, rents fell 3, percent. These conditions are pro- <br />jected to continue through 2010 and into 2011 as units started in 2007 and 2008 come <br />