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Single-Family Housing <br />We recommend that an additional 40 to 50 single-family homes be built in the C 01 dP <br />11y9i 01 <br />which 25 to 30 would be move-up homes pri , cea irom $350,000 to $500,00O and 15 to 20 <br />would, be executive homes pn*'ced, above $500,,000. As stated earlier, should additional land <br />become available for single-family, housing, we believe the City, could support, a, much higher <br />number of new single-family homes, across a wider price point spectrum. <br />For-Sale Muldfamily Housing <br />In total, we recommend development of'60 to 70 entrly-level multifamily uWts priced below <br />$275,000 and 40 to 50 upper-lend multifamily units priced ab�ov,e $300,000. Due to the cur- <br />rent recession and slowdown in the for-sale market, we recommend that the City of'Rosevi'lle <br />wait until at least 2012 to move forward with additional foir-sale multifamily housing proauct. <br />MAXHELD RESEARCH 1NC. 89 <br />