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Challenges and Opportunities <br />Table CR2 idenfified and recommended holus" g types that would safisf the housing nee in <br />Roseville over the next ten years. The following were identified as the greatest challenges and <br />opportunities for, developing the recommended housing types. <br />Due to Roseville's, location, housing demand, could be significantly higher should Roseville <br />have the available land to accommodate future growth. New single-family housing in partic- <br />ular would be highly desired. <br />Housing Densities. In an, effort to reach the demand potential with, limited land, increased <br />densities will allow for more diverse future housing, products that maximize the housing; <br />types developable on a parcel. H*'gher density p 'ects c 4i <br />i r0i an capitalize on economies of scale <br />4161 0, 0 <br />to provide greater affordability. The City should allow for, flexibi ity among zoining require- <br />ments and encourage creative site planning as a means to, increase density, and provide, great <br />MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. 93 <br />