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CONCLUSIONS AND RECONEWENDATIONS <br />a <br />addl*fion, the City should offer developer incentives anrff'or housing bonuses and should con- <br />sider donating City owned land, to affordable housing developers. <br />The development of age-specc housing to accommodate this demographic shift will free- <br />up the existing housing stock to allow, new younger ge�nerations to purchase single-family <br />housingin Roseville. <br />Land Banking. Land Banking is a priogriam of acquiring land with the purpose of develop- <br />ing at a later date. After a holding perl*od, the land can be sold to a developer (olften at a price <br />lower, than market) with the purpose of developing housing,,. The City should consider estab- <br />11"Shin a land bank, to which private land, may, be donated and public property ma <br />g y be held <br />I <br />for future affordable housing development. <br />Twin Liakes Redevelopment. Over the past decade the City of Roseville has been planning <br />for the redevelopment of'2,7'5-acres, of which about 17'0-a,creis remains, avalflable for redeiv,ei <br />0 <br />lopment. The area is planned for a mix, of real estate products, however residential uses <br />could potentially absorb significant acr,eaige. As a resiu,lt, thi's area could create, induced <br />m,and for additional housing products in Roseville. <br />Land Use Changes <br />As mentioned previously', new housing units in the City of Roseville will be the result infill d,e- <br />velopment, increased housing densities and redevelopment. A map, on the following page shows, <br />future housing development areas available in the City of Roseville according', to the 20�30 Corn <br />- <br />prehensive Plan. <br />I 51Z) DF41 74 '111 Y4 A <br />