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Generation Y. There is no precise definition of generation Y, but generally it is made up <br />of people in their late teens to eady3Os and accounts for some 83 million people. It is <br />distinct in many ways from previous generations. Agrmwng number of studies report on <br />this group as b becomes the dominant force in the economy. These studies, UL| panels, <br />and personal experience reveal picture of generation that is not revolutionary, but <br />that nevertheless will produce radical evolutionary changes. For instancel, there are now <br />more women in colleges and universities than men for the first time in U.S. history,, and <br />women are earning 60 percent of the master's degrees. Women are on the way to domi- <br />nating the workforce. <br />Stephanie Siejka of RCLCO speaks of VV|Nws—'Gen-Y wmmen with income and no kids <br />(and typically no spouse or partner, for that mauerj.' Many more women in this genera- <br />tion are living alone than are their male counterparts. <br />This is the generation of the online social network and 'herding'—the ability to meet at <br />a moment's notice ata social gathering place, such as hip local coffeehouses, bars, or <br />other "third places.' They value community highly, and ideas, information (not always <br />correct but often corrected by the widespread online neuworkL and opinions flash <br />among them at speeds that Leave older generations unable to keep up. Reputations <br />are made and Lost in weeks, and good reports can Lead to a sudden surge in business <br />just as host as a bad report can kill once-promising enterprise. They move and think <br />quickly and multitask easily, and are also committed toa healthyvvork&ife balance: they <br />will work hard, but not at the expense of time with family and friends. <br />They value diversity and do not see differences in race or ethnicity as barriers to be <br />overcome; vvhsu older generations think of as barriers they do not even notice. Instead, <br />they cluster around educational levels and cultural affinities, which are frequently cre- <br />ated by a mix of traditions from other cultures. Consider this the generation of fusion. <br />it 'is an unpredictable generation. They have been more immediately affected by the our- rentrecessionthanothergenecations.Bmughtupasthe'creditoordkids,'theynmwfind <br />that after college and graduate school there are few jobs and large school loans to pay <br />off. Yet generation Y remains an "aspirational generation," as one member put it, saying, <br />"We want to live differently than our parents and believe we can have what we see on TV." <br />This generation will be income constrained. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that during the <br />Fast decade, incomes of those 25 to 34 years old have fallen 12 percent for men and 3 per- <br />cent for women. This is unlikely to change in the coming decade and will result in most of <br />generation Y living more modest lives than their parents with little money for housing. <br />iv <br />