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The Latino population, already the nation's largest minority group, is projected to triple <br />in size from its current level by 2050 and, combined with other minorities, will account <br />for over 70 percent of the nation's population growth. Hispanics are projected to make <br />up 29 percent of the U.S. population in 2050, up from 14 percent in 2005. <br />Experience has shown that immigrant populations move to the national norms in educa.- <br />tion, incomes, and lifestyles after the first generation. What 'impact the current recession <br />will have on this trend is unclear, except that it is likely to slow immigrants' growth in <br />incomes and wealth. This in turn is likely to slow their progression to homeownership. <br />[rnlarried coLiples withoLit children tl'nclLjdl'n_q ernptYnesters) will be the fastest-_yrowl n _q <br />household type, followed doselYbysl'n_qle-persowhouseholds While the numberofmar- <br />riedcoLip/es with children will fall byneadyamillionammn_q whites, It will increase by <br />more than amillionamon_q Asians and Hispani cs <br />[The State of the Nation's Housl'n_q2079, page 15.) <br />TherewiU be an ongoing and robust need for housing production in the decade ahead. <br />The Harvard Joint Center projects that from 1.25 miLLion to 1.5 million new households <br />will be formed annually in the coming decade. <br />