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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF <br />THE ROSEVILLE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />HELD - January 10, 1,98*a)- <br />Pursuant to due call and, notice theTeof., a regulaT meeting of the City <br />Council of' the Ci*ty 'of Roseville., Minnesota, was dul,y called and held at the <br />City Hall at 7:301 p.m.,, Monday, January 1,10, 19,83. <br />The following members we present: <br />9 <br />and the foillowing were absent. <br />Membler introidu,ced the following resolution and moved its adoption. <br />it <br />& 16 <br />WHEREAS, certain employees of the City, of' Roseville have joined Local 32 <br />of the International Brotherhood, of Teamsters,,, Local 49 of the International <br />Union of Operating Engiheers, and Law, Enforcement Labor Serv:*Lces; and I <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has, recognized the above threo Union organizations <br />as the siolei representatives for those emplo ove unions- <br />and <br />110iER1E,AS,, these Unions ar e! r presented by business agents; and <br />WHEREAS., the City Council is desirous, of maintaining Droper relationship <br />the above-named Llniaons and theaLy respective business agentsm. <br />NOW THEREFORE.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that in negotiations to be conducted between <br />Local 32110 IBT, Local 49 IUOE,, and LELS.1 that the City Council appoints the it <br />Managier, or his agent to be the City representative in any and all forthcoming <br />negotiations for the year 19 3. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded <br />by , and upon a, vote being taken thereon the following voted i <br />fTvor thereof -. I <br />and the following voted against the same.- <br />WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly, passed and adopted, <br />