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Extract of minutes of meeting <br />Of it Council <br />City Of Roseville <br />Held.- February 14,i 1983 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thiereof,, a reigular meeting of the city <br />Council of the City, of Roseville,,. Minnesota, ir was duly held in the City Hall <br />in said City can Monday, the 14th day of Februaryr 1983,r at 7:.-30 P.M* <br />The following medlars were present: <br />andr thie f ol lo <br />wing rembers were absent: <br />in <br />NbAber <br />troduced the following resoluti <br />lon and moved its <br />adoption, <br />gf, t�� <br />IMSOLUTICN' Noll <br />IRESOLUTICN OPPOSING THE <br />CABLE TELECOMMUNI CAT ICNS ACT OF 1983 <br />WHEREAS the Cable Teloco mmun-cations Act of 198 <br />1 3. 3 (Senate Bill S,66) <br />a <br />would enable the Federal Gbvernment to infringe on local franchising, powers. <br />and, 'in effect,,-nullify portions of contracts negot3". ate d at the local level; and <br />WHEREASr the Act would give. the FCC explicit authority to establish ceilings <br />,on franchise fees based on c-riteria which could result in fees considerably less <br />t1 an the, current 3 to 5% standard; and <br />li & <br />WHEMASp the Act would severely 13 1 Int local authority to regulate rates* and <br />"WHEREAS,, the Act, would . prohibit the enforcement of service re ments <br />quire <br />included 'in exIstling franchise agreementsill, and, <br />WHEREAS, the Act, would linmit the availability of local access prograummng- and <br />'Iiii ,HEREAS,p the Act establishes vague and contradictory criteria for renewinq <br />a francIiise, whi <br />'Ich could result in ving existinig cable operators virtually <br />gi <br />guaranteed renewal,; and <br />'WHEREAS, the City., of Roseville desires to retain control of cable cormunications <br />at, the local level's <br />if <br />