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I ir="l 1% fill <br />A <br />A N <br />[loll ORIGINATING DEPT./D1V.*W' <br />0 Administratim <br />ITEM DESCRIPTION! Proposed LegJLs'lata"on - Removing Police Chie f <br />and, Deput, i From Clvil Service System <br />Y 0 1 <br />MEETING <br />DATE: 2-14�83 <br />TEM. HEAD APPROVAL . <br />lip <br />zZaLST Ea4 <br />3. ion remov" <br />.,In, 1982, the City Colimc-1 requested, special le�gislat* ing the $01- <br />JL ce <br />-Chie�f and Deputy Ch. ief from the kosevILIle o1 .c Ciy Service system, The <br />-:-bll*ll was *Introduced, and unanimously passed out of committee, but was side- <br />tracked when it was 'in, conference committee <br />u me of' vi <br />He legislatove delegation have indicated their <br />for mbers the Rose, <br />S ott, <br />upp and w' 1l author the hit 1 <br />It <br />tion <br />has been the City's opinion that both of' these Po s si, <br />are top management <br />101 t 01 <br />si ions, and should, be -fu,l I y. -respons*ve t,' the City Manager, as are other <br />F t, personnel The Coty further believes it should have 'the ab*l*ty <br />to organ:Lze <br />and administer its affairs- in whatever manner 't, deems appy' riate <br />OP <br />reso, l,uti on has been prepared officially re e s't gin, g such le 'slat* <br />M1 <br />A qu ion be introduced, <br />91 <br />Council Act:1, on Requested: ..Nbt i m t o adopt a resoluti'm requesting the Roseville <br />legislative delegatim, tol 0 <br />Int roduce and suppoit a <br />special bi*11 which, w,ou,ld, remove the Police Chief and <br />3. <br />Deputy Chief from, the' Roseville PoU ce 'Civil Servic' <br />e <br />system, <br />