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0 - <br />The City Council of' the, City of Roseville does heireby ordain�v <br />.i <br />Sectlion 82,130 of the City Code olf'thle CIty of Roseville is hereby amende(4-1 <br />1 <br />8201309, Benches in Right-Of No bench, may be placed <br />"I <br />or maintalIned, in a public right-of-way without securing a permit from <br />the Publlic Works Director and the payment of an annual liceinse fee <br />I <br />of twe,ntiy-five dollars ($125-00). A permit, shall not be, issued unless <br />the, bench and its placement comply with the following, coinditions: <br />(5) The,, maximum sloze of a belch shall b three and one-half <br />(A) feet igh, seven (7) feet long, and three (3,), feet, wide.i <br />(6) A bench sihall be of a siongle color excilept a multicolore <br />edvertising sign may be, affixed to or may be, used as the backrest o <br />'the bench. I <br />(7) A, certificate of liability insurance shall be filed with th <br />City covering claims for damages which might arise out of the use oil <br />Flacement of a, bench 'in the public right-of-wa,y, naming the City aj <br />an. additional insured. The minimulm lifflits of liability shall b <br />000ai 0 O�/i$3 00v 000. 00. 1 <br />(8) At the reiquest of the Public Works Director,, a bench shall <br />be, r,em�ovied in order to permit right-of-way '0 <br />improvemeints or <br />