46, 1 Mij
<br />V.M
<br />LAK--crular Meet]'Lng of' the C"
<br />ItY Council - February 14, 1983. 7:30 P,M*
<br />The City Council net on the above date with the f011owing imnibers
<br />present-.1, Curleyp Franke j, Johnsont Kehr, land Demos. Absent:
<br />Non, e .
<br />1. That, 101 of additional right-ofway, be dedicated for Hamline
<br />Avenue&
<br />2. 'That slidewalk be constructed ad]acient to Centennial Drive and
<br />Hamline Avenue,.
<br />C1. That, the developuent be constructied, - i�n accordance with, site
<br />plans as per sheets 1,, 2, and 5, dated January 5, 1983r and as
<br />per l,an,ds cape 'pl,ain "idatied January 1983,w
<br />4. That the lot division be in accordancile with plat of survey
<br />dated jainua,ry 61., 1983*,
<br />Roll Cal,lp Ayes Curley, Franker Johnson, ehr, and Demos,
<br />Nays: None,
<br />B-12 Curley moved,, Franke Seconded, that Leonard Vanasse's request VANASSE
<br />I
<br />Ior special use pe='t at 1711 county Road B be approved with the
<br />fiollowinig conditions
<br />Th at a, re view of thie Parking needs of' the college be conducte
<br />in March,, 19816, or earlier if neicessary,,, to determine if ad-
<br />equate parking 'is provided,. I
<br />2, That bike racks be proivided by the college for the students,
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Curleyr Franke, Johnson, Kehrp and Demos,
<br />Nay's ,,, None-
<br />