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D^ cr'ular Meeting of' the, Clity Council Februaxy 28, 1983. <br />INU to 1 7:30 P*M, <br />41 <br />The Ci c i1 met on the above date, with, the following members <br />0 <br />present : Franke., Kehr, and Acting Mayor Johnson. Absent: Demos <br />and Curley. <br />A- I Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that the minutes of the Regular MINUFES <br />Meetiin,g of February 14, 1983, ,, be approved. Roill Call, Ayes: <br />I <br />Franke., Kehrl, and Johnson. Nays: ' Nione!, <br />MOMR7113 =I <br />