<br />Regular Meeting of' the it Comcil - March, 21181 1983e, 7*030 P,Me
<br />The City, Council met on the above date with the foillow:"Lng
<br />members piciresent: Johnson., Ke , and Demos., Members absent:
<br />Curley and Franke.1
<br />A- 1 Johnson Moved'y Kehri Seconded, that thie m,nutes of the. Rezular �HNUTES
<br />Meetiong, of March 14,, 1983, be approved. "Roll Call,, Ayes%,-"
<br />Johnson., Kehr, and Demos. Nays.- Nane.,
<br />C-1, Kehr Moved., Johnscffi, Seconded, that a Special CounciiiiI H6eting SPECIAL
<br />be established for 3:451 paim ri 1983, for COUNCIL
<br />, Tuesday Ap 01, Sol
<br />puTposes of sietti*ng a, hearing date for an Industrial Revenue 14EETING
<br />Bond application.1 Roll Call., Ayes. Johnsan, Kelh,r, and Demos.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />E-2 Kehr Movedl Johnson Seconded, that Niue Her-i iies request to 14MLLER-BIES
<br />withdraw their application for variances"ito Setback it 2130
<br />Dalle, and, continuing the]-r applicatim :LOor spec:'L',al use perflit
<br />at 21.30 Diale to the Council meet.1"nig of Ap il 111 1983, be
<br />ri
<br />approved, Roll, Call, Ayes: Johnsm, Kehr, and, Deimos, Nays:
<br />None .
<br />Johnson, Nloved, Keh,T Seconded, that Resolution 7494 approving RESOLUrION
<br />Plans and ordering tihe advertisement of bids for May 3,, 19830 7494
<br />for Canso 11' d d Proiects P-82-25, P-,82-27, P-8,2-291
<br />W , and P-82-30,
<br />be aidopitied. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson Kehr, and Demos. Nayso
<br />Non e . A
<br />Johnson Moved., Kehr Seconded,, that Resolutlon 7495 approving RESOLUTION
<br />plians and ordering tihei advertisement of bids, for May 3.1 1983.v 7495
<br />for Project P-8,2-2118, be adopted
<br />Kehr J . Roll Call, Ayes,: Johnson,
<br />,,, and Demos, Nays.-i Noneii,
<br />Johnson Moved, Ke,hr Seconded, that Resolution 74916 approving RESOLUTION
<br />plans and ordering the adverti,siement of bids, for May 7496
<br />.for Co�nsod,at,ed Projects P-821-21 P-821-22, and P-8�2-32, be
<br />i I 1 1 41
<br />adopted,, Roll Call,,, Ayes: Johnson, Kehir, and Demos. Nays.
<br />None,,
<br />1 11
<br />