<br />Regular Nbeting, of the City Council - April 11, 1,9830
<br />The City Council met, on the above date with the following members
<br />I
<br />present': Johnson, Kehr, Curley, Franke., and Diemos,.i ldenbe-rs
<br />absent
<br />A-1 K,eh,r Moved,, Johnson Seconded.., th,at the Hinun s of the Regular
<br />0
<br />Meeting of March 28 19,83, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes.
<br />Johnson, Ke , and, Demos. Nays,*, None. Abstain.: Curley and
<br />Frankep because they were absent from meeting,
<br />Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded', that the 1111inutes of the Special
<br />Meeting of April S., 1,9 8,3, be, approved, Roll Call,,, Ayes:
<br />Johnson'. Kiehrl, Curley, Franke, and Demos. Nays: one
<br />I
<br />B-1 Kehr Moved, Johnson, Seconded.,, that Resolutim No. 7'499, RESOLUTION 7499
<br />rescinding Resolution No& 7489.1 which ordered Proi i e ct P- 8 3- 3,v
<br />bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter for Galtier
<br />St,reiet, from, Iona Lanie tol County Road Iona Lane,
<br />from Galtier to Matilda, be adopted.1 Roll Call,, Ayes:
<br />Johnson, Klehr,, and, Curleyi Nays: Franke and Demos.
<br />,Johnson Moved, K'iehr Seconded, that Resolut3ion No., 75003, RESOLUTION 7501
<br />amending the consolidation of' Projects P�82-121., P-182-22
<br />W $
<br />d ect 83-,3 be adopted.
<br />J 'an P-8i3-3., by deleting Proj Pi
<br />Roll Call Ayies.1 Johnsml Keihr., Curley., Franke, and Demos.
<br />Nays.: None V
<br />B-2 Johnson Molveid, K,eh,ri Seconded that Muellier-Bies, -request, for MUELLER-BIES
<br />special use permlit, at 2130i Dale, be continued unti,l the
<br />Council meeting of May, 91,, 19�83. Roll Callp Ayes.- jolinsm.,
<br />Kehr, Curley, Franke, and D emo,si. Nay,s: None.
<br />Cllml Curley Moved, KehT Seconded,, that Ann Berry, 1059 Wolo&i-I^ll PLANNING
<br />Drive,, Patricia Johnson.1 2,918,6, Wldred Drivel,, Donn COMISS !ON
<br />WiLski, 550 West Sandhurst, Drive., be appointed, to the Planning APPOINTMENTS
<br />Commission for a four-year term, beginning April, 1983.9
<br />and, expiring March, 31,, 1987. Roll Call, Ayes: johnson.,
<br />Kiehr, Curley, Franke, and Demos., Nays: None.,
<br />Franke Movied., Kehr'Seconded, that John Rukavina 1,83'16 West PLANNING
<br />Shryer, be appointed to serve as Planning, Commiss:Lm Chairman COMMISSION
<br />for the remainder of 19�831. Roll!, C�all, Ayes: Johnson, Kehr, CHAIRMAN
<br />Curley, Frankle, anid D�emols. Nays: None,
<br />