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MEETING <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION D AT E. WRI <br />wxw� --------------------------------- I" - 5Z2- <br />On Tuesday, May, 3. 1983, the city received bids for 1983 construction <br />contracti-B,, The bids received are as�follows: <br />IW <br />Forest Lake Contracting was the low b idder, with a total combined <br />4*i1d of $319,17T.76, This bid is approximately 30% below feasibility <br />zstima,t,e. The contriactor has successfully completed several similar <br />piro"lects within the city over the past several years, and was ed <br />I awarded <br />1983 Contract A by the council two weeks ago. We find this contracto <br />acceptable for award,, <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL, ACTION.- Adoption of a resolution acceptinq the <br />I <br />b I'd lolf Forest La,ke Contracting in the <br />amount, of $319,177.76 for Projects 82-21, <br />82-22t 82-i23 and 82-32, constituting the <br />1983 Improvements,, Contract B. <br />