M a
<br />i,nutes
<br />May 23, 1983
<br />-2,
<br />Mr, Connor Schmid, requested the rec�o�rd show the following
<br />exhibits were presented to the Comcil: 1) Aerial photo-
<br />graphs of the PIK Terminal silte; 211) A preliminary Site Plan
<br />for Hyman, Freightway, Tlernu'nal, prepared by, Reese Design, Inc.,
<br />undated; and'3) Grading Plans (Phase, 1, and 2)1, identified as
<br />I C I and,
<br />E-2 Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded, that, Ordinance No. 926, amending ORDINANCE 921
<br />Sectilon 7'2,1710 of the City- Code providing for exceptions to
<br />the requizements, for indepen, dent sewer siy,stiem, be adopted.
<br />Rol,l, Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, Johnson, and Demos,
<br />N ays,
<br />E 31 Johnso veid, Franke Seconded., that Resolution 7510 approving RESOLUTION 7510
<br />Minnesota, Law, 1983., Chapiter, 813, and directing the City Manager
<br />to, file the necessary, documents with the Secretary of State,,
<br />be adopted, Roll Call, Ayes :1 Kehr., Curley., Franke, Johnson,
<br />and Demos. N'ays,*, None.
<br />E-i4 K,ehT ICI Seconded, that the City Manager be. author- ALBERS &
<br />A
<br />ized to, execute a Letter of Agreement, with Albers and. ASSOCIATES
<br />Assoic]"-ates,, to plerform, a data, process ing study for a
<br />i
<br />sum not to exceed $7,1500. Roll Call., Ayes.: Kehr.., Curley.,
<br />Franke-, johnson .4 and Demos, Nays: Nione,
<br />E-5 Kiehr Moved, Johnsm Seconded, that Resolution 7511, accepting RESOLUTION 7Sll
<br />th,ei bid of Forest Lake, Contractin, in the anount of $319,,177.76
<br />IL 1
<br />for Pro
<br />,jects 82-21., 82a..221,0 82-23, and 82-32, constitut'ng the
<br />19183 Improvements, Contract B1,1 be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes..
<br />Kehr, �Curl,ey, Frar�kie, johnson, and, Demos. Nays,*, Nonee
<br />E-6 KehT Moved, Franke Seconded,, that entering into a five-year AGREEMENT 151
<br />joint use rental, agreement, identified as N'o.1 151, with the METROPOLITAN
<br />Metropoli*tan Waste Control Commisision, be approved, and that WASTE CONTROL
<br />the Mayor and Manager be authorized to sign the agreement -in COMMSSION
<br />behalf of the City of Roseville. -Roll Call., Ayes: Kehr.,
<br />Curley, Franke, Johnson,,,, and DemosV Nays. None,
<br />E- 7' �Curle�, Mbved, Kerr Seconded, that the following license LICENSES
<br />Y
<br />app rove d
<br />4==__
<br />James D. -Carlson Clol. Mark Hiottner Construction
<br />211512 Upt,on Ave . S,6 215 Burke Lane
<br />Minneapolis,,, NN 515405 St, Paul., MN 55117
<br />