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Please check commis,s,ion applying for: Human Rights, Commis,s,ion <br />If other, please list name: <br />This application is for:: New Term <br />If this is a student application, please list your grade: <br />Name:: Wayne Groff <br />Address:: <br />City., State., Zip: Roseville, MN 551,1,3 <br />Phone Number:: 61,2-867-091,5 <br />Email addres,s,: wa�v�ne rof'f'(@e�d ina�re�a�l'tV. com <br />How many years, have you lived in Ros,eville?: 1, year <br />Work Experience (especially as it relates, to the Commission/Board for which you are <br />applying) : I have been a realtor in Minnesota since 1977 ,. <br />Through my job we have continuing education about equal housing for everyone. A new cours,e <br />is required every two years,. <br />This keeps, me abreast of current concerns, and is,s,ues, regarding all res,idents, seeking housing <br />and understanding the problems, of dis,crimination. I work with a wide range of people through <br />my job. A diverse group from many races,, ethnicities,, religious, beliefs,, sexual orientations,, <br />marital status,., ages,, and physical abilities,. This helps, me understand on a personal level <br />the challenges, and rewards, that can come with these types, of problem solving and how to make <br />things, work for everyone. <br />Education:: Bachelor of Science from North Dakota State University. <br />Graduate work at the University of Minnesota. <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities, (Past and Pres,ent):: I moved to Roseville last year From <br />1987 , until 2010, , 1 owned a home in Falcon Heights, and lived there. I seared on the Human <br />Rights, Commission there for 8 years, in the 1,990s, and was, appointed again in 2006 and seared <br />until leaving in 2010 ,. <br />I also seared on the planning commis,s,ion in Falcon Heights, for two terms,. I was, chair of the <br />Human Rights, commis,s,ion for four years,. <br />One of the major accomplis,hments, during my time on the HR commis,s,ion was to implement the <br />requirements, for the Americans, with Dis,abilities, Act, As I remember we were the first city <br />in Minnesota to be in full compliance. <br />We also worked with the Somali community to seek out ways, the city could help that community <br />and let them know we were available as a resource. <br />I seared on the Minnesota League of Human Rights, Commis,s,ions, <br />Please state your reasons, for wanting, to s,erve on the Commis,s,ion/Board: I believe community <br />involvement by residents, makes, a stronger healthier community. By being involved with local <br />government we can all make the city a better place to live and be ambas,s,adors, for what a <br />great city Roseville is to live in <br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/ Board?: Service to the community and a <br />resource for the residents,. <br />Acting as advisors, to the city council and mayor. <br />Any further information you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is <br />relevant to the appointment or reappointment you are seeking,: I think my experience working <br />on other commis,s,ions, is an important qualification. I understand how commis,s,ions, work and <br />can provide insight from work with the League of Human Rights, Commis,s,ions, and other groups,. <br />