1401V "Papi!
<br />Regular Meet'l n,g of the City Counc 1-il -- August 8, 1983. 7-030 Pi.M,
<br />The, City Coun,cii,l met on the above date WILth. the followa-ng
<br />members present,-.1 Johnsonr Franke, �Curle Kehr, and Demos.
<br />Absent si None .
<br />A-11 Kehr Moved, Johnson Seconded that the Minutes of the MINUTIES
<br />regular meeting of July 25, 1983, be approved. Roll Callf
<br />is 0
<br />Ayes,- Johnson,,, Frank,eilf Curley, Kehr,, and, Demos, Nays,
<br />None ,,
<br />Franke Moved,, Johnson Seconded,, that Art Mueller's request MUELLER
<br />IF N
<br />for prelim*nary, plat and, special use -, permit for PUD at 1995
<br />el t Road B,, be approved with the following conditions:
<br />1) That the ]Ferris, Lane intersection be redesigned so it
<br />41
<br />Forms a "T" Intersectlion,
<br />2), That the drainage and utilities Plans be subject to
<br />approval by, the City Engineering Department,
<br />3i) That the tennis court be constructed in, accordance with
<br />Clity Code requirements.,
<br />That thel, developer bear, the costs of' the construction of
<br />Ferris Lane and of the stub street between Ferris Lane
<br />and Gl,u,ek, Lane.
<br />5) 'That, the, promect be deve
<br />ac a
<br />loped in cordnce with o
<br />I I rig-ina
<br />plans d,a,t,ed 7/8/813, and as revi,sed on July 25, 1983 and
<br />August 4,,i 1983i.i i
<br />-m, tht a Council ublic harl
<br />c d a p e
<br />1 1, ing, on final plat be estab.
<br />lished for the September 1211,, 1983 regular meeting. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes.- Johnson#, Franket Curley,, Kiehri,, and Demos,
<br />®I Curley Moveldr Kehr Seconded, that the Council continue ASSESSMENT ROLL
<br />adoption of the assessment roll for ProJect ST-80-30
<br />until the August 22, 19831 regular Council meeting.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes:,, Johnson,, Franke,, Curley, ehr, and
<br />Demos. Nays None.
<br />