Revlar Meeting of the City Council - Oictober 10., 1983. 7:30 Pi.Mo
<br />The City Council met on, the above date with the following members
<br />0
<br />present-. Cu,ril,ey, Johnson,, Franker Kehr', a,nid Demos. Absent.
<br />igo-te . 0
<br />A- 1, Ke h, ri Moved, Johnson Secondedr that the Mlinutes of the Regular MINUTES
<br />Meeting of Septlember 2161r 1983, be approved,. Roll Call, Ayes.
<br />Johnson, Franke, Kehri and Demos,
<br />IF Nays,: None. Abstain,
<br />Curleyr because he was absent,
<br />"
<br />B-1 Kehr Moved,, Curley Seconded, that Victor Trombley's request for TROI LEY
<br />rezoning from R-1 to R-21, at 1260 County Road B, be approved
<br />with thie condition that the applicant, de chi ciate 10 feet Of
<br />right-of-way on the southerly side of County Road B. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Curley, Johnsionr. Franke,, Kehr, and Demos.
<br />N'ays: None,
<br />B-2 Franke Moved, Johnson Seconded'. that ZLZ Company's request for ZLZ COMPANY
<br />special use permit for site plan approval, 'in the IB-l.b district
<br />at 19,09 Highway 36 be approved with, the condition that the
<br />,addition be constructed in accordance with plans dated September
<br />6r 1983. Roll Call,,, Ayies: Curley, Johnson, Franker, Kehrr and
<br />Demos. Nays:-, None-,
<br />B-3 Kehr Moved, Franke seconded that Presbyterian Homes Inc. 's PRESBYTERIAN
<br />request for rezoning and special use permit at 1910 County HOMES, INC,
<br />Rolad D, be cont,inued to the Council meeting of Noveirber 14,
<br />1983. Roll Call,,, Aylees Curley, Johnsion, Franke, .e r, and
<br />Demos. Nays:, None,
<br />B-4 Johnson Moved Curley Secondedr. that Art Mueller's request for MUELLER
<br />final plat at 1,995 County, Road B be continued to the Council
<br />meeting of' October 24,, 19181. Roll Callt Ayese. Curleyj Johnson,
<br />Franke,, Keh,r and Demos* Nays.- Nonie,
<br />%..-1 Curley Moived, Franke Secionidedr that Patrick Gorman be eligible GORMAN
<br />for reappointment to, a second term on the Police Cj-v11 Service
<br />W
<br />ConUTIlssilon. Roll Call1r. Ayes. Curleyy Johnsont Franke, Kehr,
<br />40
<br />and Demos,. Nays. None,
<br />C-2 Franke Movedl Johnson, Seconded, that splecial meetings be estab� SPECIAL COUNCIL
<br />lish,ed for Wednesday, Oictiober 26th and Wednesday, November 9th, NEETINGS
<br />at 51,-130 polnp 'in the City Hall, for the purpose of canvassing
<br />the Primary and General Elections,, Roll Call, Ayes.* Curley,
<br />Johns,one Frankeir Kehr, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />