fursuant tol due call and notice thereof , a regular meeting of the City Councl-1
<br />tif the City of' Roseville,, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was duly held in the
<br />City Hall at, 26,60 Civic Centier Drive,, Roseville, Minnesota, on Monday,, the
<br />21,4t,h day olf Oictobe,r, 1983, at, 7.-,30 p.m,.
<br />'The following members werie, present:
<br />and,, the following were absent:
<br />a
<br />Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
<br />R
<br />,ES,OLUTION NO*i
<br />. W
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Roseville has by ordinance approved
<br />benefit 'increases for mrnbeirs of the Roseville Firemen's Relief Association
<br />as provided by Minnesota Statutes,, Section 424A.02; and
<br />i 1
<br />WHEREAS, the City of' Roseville and the Firemen's Rel*ef Association both
<br />desiLre to inicreiase, the bene,f 'it, schedule as author]"-zed by Minnesota Statutes,
<br />Section 42�4A,. 02;
<br />N1OW,r THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Clo-uncil • the City of Roseville
<br />that the following, Sections of the Roseville Firefighters' Relief Association
<br />be amended as follows.
<br />a
<br />1), Section 4,0. Funeral Benefits - Death During Active Duty.. As of January
<br />1r 19,84, the words, ".*i,.the sum of $'1,2,,250 shall be amended to read,
<br />it - 11
<br />000,,.,
<br />2) Section 41. Death Benefits from Causes Othe.r Than Active Duty.- As of
<br />,January 1,, 1984, the words, ".,.,the sum of $450.00 for each year of
<br />service a a 0 shall be amendied to read, "...,the sum of $550.00 for each
<br />grear of service .0.111
<br />3) Section 43,, Monthly' Service Pensilion;-i As of january It 1984, the words,
<br />be pier month for each year, of service shall be
<br />amended, to readi Is... the sum of $11.00 per month for each year of service
<br />4) Slection 44.1 Lump Sum. Slervi , ce Pension'. As of January 1, 1984, the words..
<br />"...shall be $900.00. for each year of services.0" shall be amended to read,
<br />",,.,.shall be $1,1010, a 010 for each year of service "
<br />