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Also I supervised her rehab at the local clinic 4-,5 times per week, took her to medical <br />appointments and counseling sessions to help her adjust &: grieve the loss of her sight in <br />her left eye, the ownership of the surgery she underwent and the impact on her short-term <br />memory and adjust to the loss of driving ability. I also, replaced my mother as primary <br />clar,egiver for my father who is a 1992 survivor of a heart attack and as a diabetic was <br />just converting to using injected insulin. He has, a special diet and Meals on Wheels was <br />not dependable to meet his needs, so I shopped and cilooked for my dad as well. He is mobile <br />and could drive and was, able to be present to allow me. to go home to Roseville, MN to be <br />with my, husband and <br />be out of my parents' environment to recharge. ., I cut, my time back to 4 days/week in July <br />2 0 012 ; 3 days/'week in, October 2002; 2 days/week in March 2003 & one day/week 'in May 2003, <br />whi,ch, continues, today. My husband &: I also help his parents who are 81 & 84 years olds <br />respectively, one day /week April thru October each year. <br />Caregiving continues for all 4 of these seniors, to date. <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission /committee /Task Force:: I <br />feel SW Roseville is not being represented well., I hope to be able to facilitate the <br />reversal of the decline of this area as well as contribute to the ongoing health of <br />Roseville which has been my home since 1,994. <br />What 'is yc.ur view of the role of this Commission/ Commi ttee/ Task Force?, This an advisory <br />role to provide succinct and factual information to those who are in the roles of making <br />things happen in the community. <br />Any further nformat-ion you would like the city Council to consider or that you feel is <br />relevant to, the appointment you are seeking.: Gary Grefenberg encouraged me to apply for <br />this position, after he spoke with me and knew I had a passion for the health of my <br />,community. <br />I also feel that if one speaks up with thoughts on what needs to be done, one should also <br />be willing to help contribute to the 'Solution. <br />I understand that all information provided in this application, except my telephone <br />number, fax number and email address, may be distributed by the City to the public <br />including, but not limited, to, being posted on the City of Roseville website. I agree to <br />waive any and all clalms under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, that in any way related to the disseminationto, the <br />public of Information contained in this application that would be classified as private <br />under, such laws. I understand i. that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public or private nature of the <br />information provided.. Yes <br />I understand that the City will not publish my phone or fax numbers or email address <br />without my authorization and, do hereby allow the City to publish (check all that apply) <br />Home telephone number, Work email address <br />Daytime Phone: <br />Evening Phone: 651-647-S81,8 <br />Cell Phonic: <br />Home Phione ( i f di f f ei, rent) .- <br />Wolrk Phone (if different).- <br />Home <br />Work Fax: <br />Home Email: <br />Work Email-. <br />,Student Application: No <br />list If yes, please list your grade.- <br />0 <br />