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W <br />There are three basic typ'es of motions: privileged motions, subsidiary motions, and main motions. Privileged inotions <br />take precedence over subsidiary motions; subsidiary motions take p recedence, over main motions. The following, charts.of <br />motions are listed in order of precedence and are based upon Rol)iert'S.RuIes, o Orrier lveiv y Revised, I Oth Edition (2000): <br />�f <br />Privileged moti o n S—A privilecred motion is a motion that does not relate to the business at hand, Such a <br />Motion usually deals with items that require im- mediate consideration. <br />Can <br />Requires <br />interrupt <br />Can be <br />Motion <br />a second I <br />speaker <br />Debatable <br />Amendable <br />Votes required to pass <br />reconsidered <br />Fix a time t'o' adjourn'. <br />To adjourn. <br />Majority <br />Recess. (A mlotion to take an <br />Majonity <br />intermission.), <br />Raise, a question of p2iolege, <br />Usually, no vote is taken. <br />(A inotion referring to a matter <br />r1l., chair decides. <br />of personal concern to a mitinber, <br />e.g,., asking to have the Moat <br />turned up, the windows, opened, <br />or the motim be stated again.) <br />C <br />Call for the orders of the day. <br />Usually, no vote is talcen.. <br />(Forces the luonsideration of a <br />The chair decides. <br />postponed motion.) <br />Subsidiary motlonS—A subsidiary motion is a motion that assis'ts the group m disposing of the mail i motion. <br />Can <br />Votes <br />Requires <br />interrupt <br />required <br />Motion <br />a second <br />speaker <br />Debatable <br />Amendable <br />to pass <br />Can be reconsidered <br />Lay on the table. (TG postpone <br />ma)orlty <br />,discussion temporarily) <br />PreNi-olus, quiestion or Call for <br />2/3 <br />the question. To stop debate <br />and foyce an immediate vote.,) <br />Postpone to a definlite time., <br />V/ <br />majority <br />V/ <br />Commit or refer. (A motion to <br />V/ <br />V/ <br />Majority <br />If group has not begun <br />refer to a smaller committee-) <br />consideration of a question. <br />Amend., <br />V/ <br />V/ <br />Majority <br />Y <br />Postpone indefinitely. <br />Majority <br />Affinnative vote only <br />Main moiflonS—A main motion is a fonnal proposal that is made by a member that brings a particular inatter <br />before the group for consideration or action. <br />Can <br />Requires <br />interrupt <br />Votes required <br />Motion <br />a second <br />speaker <br />Debatable <br />Amendable <br />to pass <br />Can be reconsidered <br />Any genieral mlotion, resollution, <br />v/ <br />Majority <br />V/ <br />loir ordinancee. <br />Take from the table. <br />Majority <br />Reconsider. (To reconsider a <br />v/ <br />M ajority <br />motion already passeNdefeated.) <br />Appeal or challenge a ruling of' <br />Depends <br />Majority <br />the chair. <br />Rescind. (A Motion to, s,tike out <br />V111 <br />Varies, based <br />Negative vote only <br />a previously, adopted motion, <br />-on motion <br />resiollut,ion', bylaw; etc.) <br />,A Good Start toi Good Goiyernanlie League of Minnesota ClUes <br />