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t. Signs may be held anddisplayed during Council Meetings but only at the back of <br />the Council Chambers so that the view of the seated audience is not obstructed. <br />e. Public comment, like staff and Councilmember comments, will pertain to the <br />merits of an issue; personal attacks will be ruled out of order. <br />f. The Mayor or presiding of may make special time-length arrangements for <br />speakers representing a group. <br />9* <br />Rule 7 Issue and Meeting Curiew <br />City Council meetings generally occur on the second, third and fourth Monday of the month <br />beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Council recognizes that meetings are for the benefit of the citizens of <br />Roseville so Council meetings will end by 10.-00 p.m. If a time sensitive item has not been <br />addressed by 10:00 p.m., Council meetings may be extended upon the vote of the City Council, <br />but at no time will a meeting run past 11.-00 p.m. If Council business remains of the agenda, the <br />Council may continue the meeting to a future date or table such items until the next meeting, if <br />needed. <br />To ensure that meetings firtish their business in a timely manner, the Council will not consider <br />new items for discussion after 10:00 p.m. <br />Rule 8 City Council Task Force or Subcommittee Formation <br />The Council shall, as issues arise, establish a two - member task force to study the issue. The <br />membership will be agreed upon by the full Council. The task force will have a specific topic or <br />issue to address and the task force will report its findings or recommendations by a specific <br />deadline established by the Council. <br />Rule 9 Videotav ins, <br />,2 <br />Except for closed executive sessions authorized understate law and meetings of <br />Councilmembers outside of the City Council Chambers, all meetings of the City Council shall be <br />videotaped. When the Council decides to meet outside the City Council Chambers, the Council <br />may by motion also direct that the meeting shall be videotaped. <br />Rule 10 Suspension of Rules <br />Pursuant to Section 25 of Roberts' Rules of Order, these Rules may be suspended in specific <br />situations upon a 2/3's vote of the City Council. <br />Rule 11 Effective Date <br />These Rules shall become effective upon adoption by a majority of the City Council and shall <br />remain in effect until amended or repealed by subsequent vote of the Counci L <br />2007 Rules of ProcedureFinal.dDc <br />