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City Council Study Session <br />Monday, September 17, 2007 <br />P'agle 21 <br />Colunc,ilmember Pust supported every Council me- eting as an opportu. <br />nity �for discussion and action 'Items, allotting the requisite amount o <br />time for each- and thereby streamline the process of decision-making. <br />3 <br />Councilmember Roe observied that l i d uld be continued from one <br />0 <br />meeting to the next if additional information was required. <br />Mayor Klausing sought, from a practical standpoint, how to identify <br />items on the agenda, whether they were for Infom-iation and discus- <br />slon,i or whether action items. <br />Councilmember Pust opined, that the library presentation was an ex- <br />arnple and didn't require action,, and, 'if a topic is just introduced, and <br />has been thoroughly discussed, it may be appropriate to take action at <br />that same meeting., <br />Mayor Klausing clarified Council concurrence that meetings not be <br />recognized as Study Sessions, but as regular business meetings, where <br />some study items may be included., Councilmembers concurred. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that individual Councilmembers neede4. <br />to show �responsibility and not attempt to hijack agendas or cram per- <br />sonal initiatives through. <br />Clouncilmember Kough spoke in support ot toniaht's thoughtful dis- <br />cussion on pet licensing and a,n,ticipat,ed action at next week's meet- <br />16 <br />Mayor Klausing clared that the item may not be on next week's <br />agenda, pending additional information requested of staff and askeif <br />