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The laflorrn a don belmon elected offl-clyc"i Is apt d counicil Qt' ira cture a nyd ro-le is C511 I eAX61rat �Tom Gha n-ter 6 of thie <br />League's 2007 Hlandbololk for Minnesota titles. <br />The Handbook is FRED or the League's web site at It has information for city councils on: <br />a the form and structure of Minnesota Cities; 1I i a b i flity, <br />0 f"idals, and council meetings; finance, budgeting and debt, and more. <br />elections, of oil' <br />Q regulatory and development functions of cities, <br />The comerstone of city governinent in Minnesota is the elected city council- The city council fashioDs the <br />Policies that detion-ni -nine a con.ununity's present and Riture well-being. Because people look to their local <br />I <br />goveriunent for leadership, much of the responsibility ff)r com.i-nunity d,eve,lopment falls on the shoulders Of eity <br />1..� <br />council member s. <br />0 Ti perrns of offics <br />All temas, of office in statutory cities begin on the first Monday of.Tanuary following the election. The <br />ZD <br />terms of the old officers end at this trine, or as soon after that as the.-Liewty elected officers qualify by, <br />L <br />taldD a an oath. and fling a bond, if one is required. If the newly elected officer refuses or fails to qualif ; <br />the i.ncumbent officer continues to hold of until the council declares the of- ice vacant and appoints a <br />successor, The length of the Nrarious teens of office is provided by staftite. <br />B Oath of offlc(B <br />Whether or not C)fficials need a bond, they must take and sign an oath of office before exercisim,:r any of their <br />powe,rs. This i—'n(cludes y m ber o f _uncisc , boards, co=isssiions, and amil-1-1-inlistrative. ThiR annlie-v, <br />to appointed as Nvell as to elected officials. The oath is as follows.- <br />(�iiainq) do solemn ly sv�var to support the Constitution oj'tihe United States, the Constitution of the State <br />of Minnesota, and to dfischM-aefaifhfully the duties of the office of (insert 1,)rlqf descripf ion of office) th e <br />11't of (insert city), Afinnesota, to the best of n-7,yjudw77enit an ability, so help in God, "' <br />-TIA UVIE <br />It is the duty of the inayor, clerk, and council members to ensure the city is fulfilliner its duties under the law and <br />lawfully exercisincT its 'poi iers. <br />Z-- <br />City officials can sornetimes be hold personally liable for failing to act or for taking unauthorized arCtioDS On the <br />part of the city. To avoid personal-liability lawsuits, city officials, should gain a working knowledere of the laws <br />t: <br />that regulate city government. Whenever there is any doubt about the validity of an action or procedure, city <br />officials should consult their icity attorney. <br />mr9*01M <br />A Good Start to Good Governance Leagae of Minnesota Cities <br />tp <br />