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The inhomiation belfovv on rneetini aad hearings Is an excerpt irrom the Leagues Governing and Uanaging <br />Information Wei o on 'Rileetings of City Councils. " she r_s:I%n.PCtIIOn on the open mi aeting law applies to a-Iif CRT <br />councils, city bloards, commissions, and other public bodies. <br />The League has nicb, ny Information Menios on topics for city cou n ici 'is, such as: <br />Securing Payment of Utility Charges; <br />Acqv rjing and maintaining City Streets;: <br />Uquar Licensing and Regulation, and niai*e. <br />ZD <br />You can fi n d th ese rne, m os and m o re o n the Le agu ei's vve b site at mm. I in c. lo rg. Or to get a FREE ca I)y of any m eim o or to as k <br />a quiestion about city government, call the League's Reslearch Service at (800) 925-1122 or, <br />® Us <br />R M eed nip, s <br />Geer ally, a meleting is a gathering of a querum of public officials to discuss. decide or receive infoniiation <br />on i3iafters over ihich they have autholity. The members of the public usually do not speak at a rnec tin cy <br />I- <br />ID� <br />91thiough some city councils will occasionally recopize a, member oft e audience. <br />1. Types of meetflng,s <br />There are basically two di- fferent types of meetings: <br />10 Reaular tneetini Regular mectin s of a statutory city council are held at ti-ines, established by <br />15 9 <br />council rulies. A council will typically nieet once a mionth on a particular day, although some councils <br />n'tay have regular mei gs s( cheduled more frequemtly. Home rule charter cities should consult their <br />charters and any councl.1 rules concernina the scheduling of regular meetings. <br />Special ineetings. Special meetings are meetings hieJd at threes or places that are different fi-orn the <br />regularly scheduled meetings. These are often scheduled to deal with specific items that need to <br />be addressed be-fore the next regular meeting. Generally, any matter can be transacted at a special <br />meetinty that ican be addressed at a regular meet in a. 'There are diffi,,rent types of special meetings, <br />such as emergency meetings and continued meetings, which are discussed in more detail in a later <br />section oft is memo. <br />I First melating of the year <br />There is no date set by statute for the first meeting of the year. In most statutory cities, the date is set <br />by an ordinancle establishing rules of procedure -for the council. A home rule charter city should consult <br />both its charter and any ordinances that establish procedural rules for the council. <br />The ten-n of office for new statutory city council mie nabs ers begins on the first Monday is January. The <br />first mcetiqg is uis-oafly field on or shortly after this date. In the meantirne, all previously chosen and <br />qualifiled council in,embers shall serve until their successiors qualify. The first day of a new term in a <br />homie rule ebarter city is generally set by the charter. <br />The following must be done at the first meeting of the year: <br />a Appoint an acting mayor. <br />I* Select an official newspaper. <br />o Select an ofEcial depository for city funds. (This must be done within 30 days oft e start of the city's <br />fiscal year.) <br />In aiddition, although not required by statute, many city counicils will also do the following at the first <br />meeting of the year: <br />is Review iciouncil"s bylaws and make any needed changes. <br />10 Assign commiffee duties to members. <br />a Approve official bonds that have been filed with the clerk. <br />Home n:de charter cities may have additional requirQments, for their fh-st meeting of the year in their barter s. <br />Hearings <br />A public hearing is a meeting that is held where members of the public can express their opinions. The <br />C01111 ell I's fli em to reTi late the hearing mid make sure that people who want to speak. on the issue get the <br />A, Good Start to Good Govern-nice League of Minn sata Cities <br />