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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF' THE CITY COUNCIL <br />I <br />OF ROSEVILLE,, MINNESOTA � HELD DECEMBER 19, 1983 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council <br />of the City, of Roseville, �Minnesota, was duly, held at the City Hall in said <br />City on Monday, Decembler 119,, 19813, at 7:30 p.m. I <br />The following members were present-. <br />and, the following were absent: <br />Me mbe r introduced, and moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />RESOLUTION NO, <br />WHEREAS, 'it hasi been determined that clertiain year-end transfers from one fund to <br />another should be <br />THEREFORE, BiE IT RESOLVED by, the City Council of the City of Roseville, that <br />the following, bludg,etary, funds be 'increased as indicated to reflect a gross transfer <br />*if $187,,3619 from the Contingency Account to the General and Recreation Funds. <br />moral Fund <br />Salary <br />Employer Insurance <br />Fil nance <br />$ 71392 <br />$1 r1 14 <br />Plublic Works Adnni nistration <br />14 ,02,12 <br />1 722 <br />Street <br />14 jr 757 <br />3,772 <br />Police <br />151,871 <br />3,946 <br />Fire <br />115,84 <br />360 <br />Central Services <br />31149 <br />635 <br />Administration <br />6,9184 <br />0 <br />Recreation Fund <br />8 o, 812 <br />1, 1495 <br />01 <br />,The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by <br />merrbe r , and upon a, vote being take the following voted in <br />01 <br />favor of the resolution; <br />and,i the following voted against-. <br />WHEREUPON,,, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, <br />