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PLANNING REPORT <br />DATE <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />0 <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTION RE'4 E'S,TED: <br />PLANNING CONS IDEIRATIONS: <br />South of County Road D, Westerly of <br />Arthur Street Alignment (Lake johanna <br />ddle School Site) <br />Approval ♦ Rezoning <br />11 <br />Apip,rova,l of Special Use Permil <br />2a At the meet ing that evening,, Presbytierilan Homes exh libited a. drawing <br /> their proposed, development of the open space land north of the <br />proposed park, and south of the building site. In view of this proposal <br />being presented on the day of the mieetinig,, the Commission decided that <br />additional, time would be required to review the 'implications of the <br />proposal, with particular emphasis on three major poi I nts; <br />How mulch adional land woiuld it required to be iDurchased <br />to thie west to fill. out the Langtion Lake Park needs, pro- <br />vilding adequate space to the west? <br />2'6 What would be the prohable cost of the acquisition of such <br />properties in addition to providing rlight-of-way for acces <br />trom Cleveland Avenue, and,the prognosis for such access <br />being developed? I <br />3. Could grant application funds applied for the acquisition <br />of 11.591 acres originally prolposed by the City Council bll� <br />triansfer,red to, other propertilesf? <br />,3., Exhibii,t !I! is a reduced copy of the drawing ind'i cating the areas of land <br />we feel wiould be necessary to fulfi,l,l the basic playing fields and parking <br />area needs, 'if' developed in conjunction with the existing park area and <br />thie six acr,ie proposed dedication. <br />